• #StopWoodfibreLNG


  • Woodfibre LNG will increase fracking, lock in climate pollution, put residents at risk, and threaten the recovery of Átl'ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound. Learn why Woodfibre LNG must be stopped for good.

    Can't trust Woodfibre LNG

    Corruption. Illegal donations. Profit shifting and tax avoidance. Environmental destruction. Human rights violations. Animal rights violations, and more...

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    Will increase fracking

    85% of BC’s gas is fracked. Woodfibre LNG will increase fracking in Treaty 8 territories, with major impacts to water, climate, and human health.

    LNG is a climate disaster

    LNG is a fossil fuel that creates more greenhouse gases than coal. New LNG infrastructure will lock in extreme climate pollution for decades.

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    Puts residents at risk

    If you live within 1.6 km of the LNG tanker route, you are at risk of death by asphyxiation, fire, or explosion if an accident happens.

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    Threatens wildlife

    Underwater noise, light pollution, and habitat destruction threaten herring, endangered Chinook salmon, and southern resident orcas.

    Not financially viable

    Woodfibre LNG cannot survive without $50 million a year in government subsidies and tax breaks. That’s $500,000 per job per year. That's ridiculous.

  • What is Woodfibre LNG?

    Woodfibre LNG is a proposed fracked gas (aka methane) export facility located 7 km southwest of Squamish, B.C.

    The project is located at the Woodfibre site, a former pulp and paper mill that has left a toxic legacy of contaminants in Átl’ka7tsem / Howe Sound.

    LNG is liquefied "natural" gas (methane) that will be fracked in northeast BC, transported via a network of pipelines, cooled to -162°C, then shipped as a liquid in LNG carriers, before it is regasified and burned by the end user.

    The project consists of an onshore liquefaction facility, 115 m flare stack, floating storage units, marine offloading, and supporting buildings. LNG carriers will transit past Vancouver and into Howe Sound three to four times per month.

    Proposed Woodfibre LNG site components.

    Liquefaction facility

    Essentially a giant fridge that will hypercool the fracked gas to -162°C so that it becomes liquid.

    Floating storage units

    Two 45-year-old LNG carriers that will be retrofitted as floating storage units to store the LNG. LNG carriers typically only have a life-span of 25 years, but Woodfibre LNG plans to use these for another 40 years, which will make them 85+ years old at end of life.

    115-metre flare stack

    A vertical tower with an open flare to burn off excess gas during start-up and operations, and facility maintenance. Woodfibre LNG estimates that this 115-metre high flare stack will operate 3% of the time, or 262 hours per year.

    LNG carrier

    Fracked LNG will be shipped in LNG Carriers through Howe Sound, anchor in Vancouver, and transit past Victoria before crossing the ocean to get to the final customer. A typical LNG carrier is 300 metres long and 43 metres wide, with a draft of ~12 metres. That’s over double the size of the Queen of Surrey ferry (139 m long).

    Marine offloading

    Docking system to offload heavy equipment and supplies from cargo vessels.

    Proposed Woodfibre LNG site components.
  • Who owns Woodfibre LNG?

    The primary owner of Woodfibre LNG is Sukanto Tanoto, a notorious billionaire from Indonesia with a current net worth of US$2.7 billion.

    Tanoto owns Royal Golden Eagle: a conglomerate of pulp and paper, palm oil, viscose, fracking, and LNG export and import companies which has assets exceeding US$30 billion. Royal Golden Eagle owns Pacific Energy (formerly Pacific Oil & Gas), which owns 70% of Woodfibre LNG, and Pacific Cambriam—a fracking company in northeast BC that will frack the gas needed to supply Woodfibre LNG.

    Royal Golden Eagle and its companies have been linked to:

    Tax evasion and profit shifting

    2012: Fined US$205 million for tax evasion. 2013: Royal Golden Eagle used a web of shell companies for tax evasion, and routinely engaged in fraudulent accounting practices. 2017: Tanoto featured prominently in the Paradise Papers for profit shifting. 2021: Accused of ongoing profit shifting and tax evasion.

    Human rights abuses

    Tanoto’s companies have allegedly forced indigenous people off their land in Indonesia, responding to protesters with paramilitary violence from hired security resulting in six dead and hundreds injured. More than 100 active conflicts with villages and communities in Indonesia were documented in 2019.

    Exploitative child labour

    In 2022, Vice revealed that Toba Pulp Lestari (owned by Tanoto) is illegally employing underage workers who live in inadequate conditions and work hazardous jobs including spraying poison. The child labourers are instructed to hide when officials visit the plantation.

    Animal rights violations

    Tanoto’s palm oil companies have been linked to orangutan graveyards, and widespread destruction of rainforest and peatland in key orangutan and Sumatran Tiger habitat. Orangutans are classified as endangered while Sumatran Tigers are critically endangered with less than 400 tigers in the wild.

    Environmental destruction

    Tanoto holds the “dubious distinction of being the single largest driver of deforestation in the world.” His companies have been linked to illegal deforestation, land grabbing from Indigenous groups, pollution, and illegally burning 230,000 acres of forests in Indonesia between 2015 and 2021.

    Enbridge now owns 30%

    In 2022, the Calgary-based pipeline giant, Enbridge, bought a 30% stake in Woodfibre LNG for $1.5 billion dollars.

    Enbridge also has a long record of environmental destruction and safety issues. For example, in 2010, Enbridge was responsible for the Kalamazoo River oil spill—one of the largest inland oil spills in U.S. history in 2010. In 2018, a pipeline explosion near Prince George, B.C. forcing the evacuation of 125 people living within a 2 km radius, and resulting in province-wide gas shortages through the winter.


    Royal Golden Eagle 2024. Meet RGE's Group of Companies: Pacific Energy. Website accessed 2024-01-28.

    Forest Frontlines 2024. Exposing Royal Golden Eagle Group’s Sprawling Empire of Destruction. Report, published 2024-03-18.

    Perdani Y & Natahadibrata N 2014. Asian Agri set to lose assets. The Jakarta Post, published 2014-01-14.

    Vidal J 2014. Vast hidden profits: from Asia's palm oil giants to a tiny British tax haven. The Guardian, published 2014-05-10.

    Alecci S 2017. Leaked Records Reveal Offshore’s Role In Forest Destruction. International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, published 2017-11-08.

    Alecci S 2020. Paradise Papers pulp giant faces profit-shifting accusations. International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, published 2020-11-05.

    Forum Pajak Berkeadilan et al. 2020. The Macao Money Machine: Profit shifting and tax leakage in Indonesia’s pulp exports. November. Jakarta, Indonesia.

    Jong HN 2020. Pulp producers pull off $168 million Indonesia tax twist, report alleges. Mongabay, published 2020-12-02.

    Young M et al. 2021. Indonesian Paper and Palm Oil Tycoon Secretly Bought Historic Munich Building for 350 Million Euros. OCCRP, published 2021-02-08.

    Baquero A et al. 2021. Shedding Light on Big Secrets in Tiny Luxembourg. OCCRP, published 2021-02-08

    REDD-Monitor 2013. Indonesian pulp giant APRIL is bulldozing Indigenous community forests. REDD-Monitor, published 2013-03-05.

    Greenpeace 2023. New report exposes hidden deforestation in Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) supply chain... Press release, published 2023-05-23.

    Environmental Paper Network et al. 2023. Pulping Borneo: Deforestation in the RGE Group’s supply chain and RGE’s hidden links to a new mega-scale pulp mill in North Kalimantan, Indonesia. May 2023. 72 pp.

    Rainforest Action Network 2024. New Report Exposes Royal Golden Eagle Group’s Environmental Violations and Calls for Brands and Banks to Drop Ties. Press Release, published 2024-03-18.

    Coca N & Simangunsong T 2023. Exposed: The links between Indonesia’s deforestation and Xinjiang. Aljazeera, published 2023-04-14.

    Simangunsong T 2022. ‘We Hide While Working’: The Life of Children Spraying Poison on a Pulp Plantation. Vice, published 2022-05-04.

    Platt J 2009. Indonesia's Palm oil economy drives human fortunes--And orangutan misfortunes. Scientific American, published 2009-12-07.

    Greenpeace 2014. P&G's dirty secret. Media briefing, published February 2014.

    Jong HN 2021 Deforestation of orangutan habitat feeds global palm oil demand, report shows. Mongabay, published 2021-06-24.

    Rainforest Action Network 2021. Indonesian Forestry Titan Royal Golden Eagle Remains a Major Roadblock to Progress in Saving Leuser Ecosystem. Leuser Watch, published 2021-06-23.

    Environmental Paper Network 2019. Conflict Plantations, Chapter 2. Report, published November 2019. 50 pp.

    Chua S 2022. Enbridge invests in Woodfibre LNG project. Squamish Chief, published 2022-07-29.

    Azpiri J & Little S 2020. 2018 Enbridge pipeline explosion caused by undetected cracking, says regulator. Global News, published 2020-03-04.

    CBC News 2013. Enbridge's Kalamazoo cleanup dredges up 3-year-old oil spill. CBC News, published 2013-09-13.

  • Timeline

    Woodfibre LNG is not a done deal. People power successfully delayed construction by eight years, and we're not giving up the fight.


    Coordinated key stakeholders to respond to Woodfibre LNG’s application for a Crown Water Lease.


    Mobilized local governments to reiterate opposition to Woodfibre LNG through the application for a five-year extension to its environmental assessment certificate.


    Delivered the Howe Sound Declaration with over 18,600 signatures to key Ministers, MPs, and MLAs.


    We worked with local residents to stop the proposed LandSea workcamp at Britannia Beach.


    My Sea to Sky was featured at VIMFF, sharing our story to a packed audience and applauded by David Suzuki for our work.


    After sharing concerns about the impacts of seawater cooling on herring and other wildlife, Squamish Nation forced Woodfibre LNG to switch to air cooling, improving the project design.


    1,600+ people boycotted the Environmental Assessment process to draw attention to illegal donations from Woodfibre LNG staff to the BC Liberal government, which threatens the integrity of the process.


    We called out Woodfibre LNG for making a fake Final Investment Decision two days before the BC Liberal Convention.


    Skwomesh Action hosted a demonstration on the Stawamus Waterfront to stand with water protectors everywhere in opposition to LNG development.


    We made it easy to participate in the Environmental Assessment process and generated the most public comments of any assessment, twice, with more than 1,300 comments.


    Municipal Councils and Regional Districts around Howe Sound passed resolutions stating strong opposition to the proposed Woodfibre LNG project.


    We stopped FortisBC from drilling test boreholes in the Squamish estuary.


    We stopped the District of Squamish from accepting a $2 million tax agreement with Woodfibre LNG (now valued at $7-9 million).


    We held our first demonstration, which made Premier Christy Clark cancel a visit to Squamish.

  • Every vote counts

    This election is critical and every vote counts. Get informed. Vote. This election is going to be close and every vote counts. Check out the latest polls.

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    Know who (and what!) you're voting for

    Your vote has power. Make sure it counts. The BC election is October 19, and every vote counts. The next provincial government will be making critical decisions on fracking, LNG exports, and climate action that will have a direct impact on our collective future.

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    Urgent! Public hearing for FortisBC's workcamp

    Take Action! Tell council to reject FortisBC's workcamp. Urgent action needed! Public hearing for FortisBC's workcamp … The public hearing for FortisBC's workcamp is scheduled for this Wednesday, September 25 at 6pm at Brennan Park Recreation Centre in Squamish.

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    Sunshine, Thunder, and Rainbows

    Indigenous Land Defenders from across BC called to Cancel the Permits for Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC's fracked gas pipeline in Squamish. Photo: Rich Duncan … What a powerful day.

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    Climate Strike this Friday!

    Wildfires, heat waves, and floods are devastating our communities, driving up costs for groceries, utilities, insurance and other everyday expenses. Can you march with the youth this Friday to make urgent climate action a top priority in the upcoming provincial election?

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    This girl is on fire

    Rally this Saturday in Squamish! Help us build power to stop Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC for good. This is a critical moment. Can you join me tomorrow in Squamish to send a flaming message to our local, provincial, and federal leaders?

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    Get fired up!

    Rally this Saturday in Squamish! Have you RSVP'd yet? Our world is on fire. This year the world experienced the hottest day on record. Over 1,600 wildfires have burned a million hectares in BC. Families have lost their homes. Thousands were evacuated or were on evacuation alert.

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    Cancel the Permits!

    Save the date! Help us send a flaming message to the BC Government. Squamish! It's been a hot summer, and I've never been so grateful for the rain. We have some fun and fiery events coming up in September. Make sure you put these dates in your calendar.

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    How Big Oil & Gas are pulling the strings

    Big Oil & Gas are using dirty tactics to influence politicians, the media, and public opinion. A bombshell investigation by The Narwhal has revealed the dirty tactics Big Oil & Gas companies are using to covertly influence BC Government decisions on fracked gas and LNG exports.

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    Round 2: ding ding!

    My Sea to Sky and our friends from Rising Tide at the June 4, 2024 council meeting. Woodfibre LNG's floating workcamp is coming back for a second public hearing. This is the best possible outcome from Tuesday's council meeting.

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    FortisBC's toxic water pollution

    FortisBC is proposing to drill a 14-foot wide, 9-kilometre tunnel under the Squamish estuary, and discharge toxic construction effluent into the Squamish River and Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.

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    Trust is earned, not imposed

    Residents packed the public hearing in Squamish for Woodfibre LNG's proposed floating workcamp. Photo: Caroline Routhier … What a night! I am still buzzing after we packed the room on Tuesday evening in opposition to Woodfibre LNG's proposed floating workcamp.

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    We want a HOME town, not a BOOM town

    Stand up and speak up at the public hearing on April 23. Photo: Jimmy Martinello … Human rights impacts. Missing reports. Traffic safety concerns. Pressure tactics. No plans for waste management. No transparency or accountability mechanisms. No legacy benefits for the community.

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    How LNG is linked to violence

    Stand up and speak up at the public hearing on April 23. Art by Nat Tuke. We need to have a difficult conversation. We need to talk about how resource extraction projects—especially LNG—are connected to violence against women and girls.

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    Permission to Pollute...Again!

    Water pollution from Woodfibre LNG could result in cumulative, long-term toxic effects for wildlife and ecosystems in Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound. Photo:

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    Your impact in 2023

    Standing together in opposition to Woodfibre LNG. Photo: Siobhan Winters … 2023 has been a year of action for My Sea to Sky, but we could not do this work without the dedicated support of our amazing staff, volunteers, donors, partners, and each and every one of you.

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    Celebrating successes in 2023

    Our volunteers and supporters standing up to FortisBC. Photo: Caroline Routhier … As 2023 draws to a close, we're reflecting on the successes and milestones we achieved together this year.

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    Woodfibre LNG is NOT a done deal

    Construction has started on five supporting buildings at the Woodfibre site. Photo: Rich Duncan … It can be hard not to feel powerless as Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC begin construction, but I believe it's really important to hold onto hope.

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    Wow! $60K and counting!

    Thanks to your generous donations we've already raised $60,000 to support our legal actions! Photo: Fernando Lessa … Wow! We cannot believe how quickly donations are pouring in to support our legal actions to hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable (learn more).

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    Not one, but two legal challenges!

    Mini-demonstration in Squamish on October 17. Thank you to everyone that came out in the pouring rain to support council as they continue to hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable. In case you missed it:

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    We've lawyered up

    Can you chip in to support our two legal challenges? I am very excited to announce that we've put together a kick-ass legal team to overturn project approvals and hold the Federal and Provincial governments to account. We currently have two legal actions underway.

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    FortisBC has permission to pollute into Squamish River

    FortisBC is already laying pipe to discharge effluent into the Squamish River … FortisBC: permission to pollute … Last month we shared that FortisBC had applied to discharge wastewater at both ends of its 14-foot wide, 9-kilometer tunnel underneath the Squamish estuary.

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    Woodfibre LNG open house in Squamish this Thursday

    Current design of the proposed Woodfibre LNG export facility. Woodfibre LNG is hosting an open house in Squamish this Thursday, October 5, from 4pm to 7pm. Woodfibre LNG continues to treat public engagement as a checkbox exercise, with little advance notice of events.

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    Pollute pollute pollute

    Permission to pollute: Woodfibre LNG … Earlier this year, Woodfibre LNG applied for a permit from the B.C. Energy Regulator (BCER) to discharge millions of cubic metres of toxic construction effluent into Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.

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    Join us at the Vancouver Climate Strike this Friday

    More than 120,000 people marched at the 2019 Global Climate Strike in Vancouver. Photo: Chris Yakimov … The climate crisis is here. We’re in the middle of the worst wildfire season in history, and B.C. faces a historic drought. Enough is enough.

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    Le Phoque

    Phoque! Phoque! Phoque! "Yes!" I say to my two-year old granddaughter as she points at seals in the Squamish River.

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    FortisBC's bullying tactics

    FortisBC has applied for two Temporary Use Permits (TUPs) from the District of Squamish to build a construction yard, and a workcamp for 650+ workers for the proposed pipeline to Woodfibre LNG.

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    Permission to pollute?

    Woodfibre LNG has applied for a permit from the B.C. Energy Regulator (BCER) to discharge millions of cubic metres of toxic construction effluent into Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.

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    The Federal emissions cap must include LNG

    Last week we met with MP Patrick Weiler to call on him to support a strong emissions cap that includes LNG. This is a critical piece of Federal legislation that could help stop Woodfibre LNG in its tracks. It was a beautiful day, with 20 people joining us from across the riding:

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    Join the May 25 Day of Action for a Bold Emissions Cap!

    With floods, heat waves, and wildfires hitting our communities, it’s clear we can’t afford to delay climate action. That's why we're joining LeadNow’s Day of Action for a bold emissions cap. Join us on Thursday, May 25, at your MP's office to call for a bold emissions cap that includes LNG!

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    This Thursday! Woodfibre LNG public info session

    Woodfibre LNG has applied to dump toxic effluent into Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound. Heads ups! Woodfibre LNG has applied to the BC Energy Regulator for a permit to dump thousands of tonnes of effluent into Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound. That's over 233 Olympic swimming pools of effluent every year.

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    This Thursday! FortisBC public info session

    My name is Katie Perkins, and I have been volunteering with My Sea to Sky since 2019. This year I am excited to take on the role of Youth Outreach Coordinator. This Thursday, FortisBC is hosting a public information meeting to answer questions related to the workcamp and the construction yard.

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    Strike One for Woodfibre LNG!

    Strike One! Non-compliance warning … After starting construction without notice, Woodfibre LNG has been issued a warning that the project is non-compliant with the Environmental Assessment Certificate notification and submission requirements, and twelve of its conditions.

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    Tell Woodfibre LNG + FortisBC we still say NO!

    Happy New Year! 2023 is going to be a big one, and it's more important than ever to stand together to hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable. Can you join us before work on Tuesday for a peaceful demonstration? WHEN: 8:30am to 9:00am, Tuesday 24th January … WHERE:

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    Our successes in 2022

    As the year draws to a close, let's take a moment to reflect on a year of action. My Sea to Sky is a small organization with a big heart. We have an outsized impact, and our success is due in no small part to you—our amazing community. Here are a few of our key successes in 2022...

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    Heart of Howe Sound: the Paddleboarders

    Paddleboarding on the waters of Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound has allowed me to have such an intimate perspective of this unique ecosystem. The paddleboard is the perfect tool to connect to the environment, and experience the breathtaking beauty and return of wildlife to the sound.

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    Heart of Howe Sound: the Swimmer

    I started swimming in Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound while training for my English Channel swim crossing in 2017, and I've absolutely fallen in love with the area. It's so close to Vancouver, yet these are some of the most desolate and wild places I’ve ever swam.

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    Heart of Howe Sound: the Climbers

    I have spent the past 30 years out in Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound, climbing the sea cliffs, paddling, and spending time with my family. Returning to Howe Sound time and time again has really helped to calm my soul and instill me with a great sense of peace.

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    Woodfibre LNG is evicting families in Squamish

    Woodfibre LNG is evicting families in Squamish … Woodfibre LNG is about to evict 30+ families from the Sirocco One building in downtown Squamish. We already have a housing crisis in Squamish, and Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC are about to make it worse.

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    Why we love Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound

    Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound is a place of inspiration and connection. A place where the people have proved what's possible by standing together to preserve the ongoing restoration of the land, the waters, and the wildlife here.

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    Pipeline construction starting in February 2023

    When Russia invaded Ukraine, everything changed overnight. Woodfibre LNG—which had essentially stalled—is now on a fast-track to construction, capitalizing on the gas crisis in Europe to beg for more government handouts and push through key permits. We need to respond, and quickly.

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    F is for fires, floods, and fossil fuels

    Take action! Help us to recruit more signatories … In September 2021, a diverse coalition of 200 organizations and businesses published an open letter calling on the BC government to commit to ten urgent climate actions to confront the climate emergency.

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    Tomorrow! Open house for Woodfibre LNG

    Tomorrow evening, Woodfibre LNG is hosting an open house in Squamish. Come out and ask the tough questions to hold Woodfibre LNG accountable! Woodfibre LNG open house in Squamish … WHEN: 6:30pm to 8:30pm, Wednesday 12th October, 2022 … WHERE:

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    No More Stolen Sisters

    Tomorrow is the National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation women and girls invite you to join us for a candle-lit vigil to remember and honour the victims, survivors, and families of this ongoing genocide. No More Stolen Sisters … WHEN:

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    Two events to support Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation members

    National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Commemoration honouring our children and survivors … The Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation would like to invite everyone to gather as a community to honour, remember, and pay respect to the Survivors of Residential School & those who never made it home.

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    This Thursday! Fracking the Peace + expert panel on Woodfibre LNG

    This Thursday in Squamish, join us for a FREE community screening of Fracking the Peace, a powerful new documentary telling the story of community members living on Treaty 8 territory in Northeastern B.C. whose daily lives, homes, environment, and health have been changed by fracking in the region.

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    Squamish residents grill FortisBC

    Earlier this week, upset Squamish residents forced FortisBC to host a public Q&A session. Typically FortisBC uses a format where their staff stand next to panels and engage one-on-one.

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    Bowen Islanders still say no to Woodfibre LNG

    Bowen Islanders say "No Woodfibre LNG" Dozens of Bowen Island residents held an impromptu demonstration last week, chanting “No Woodfibre LNG!” with a banner calling to “Stand up for an LNG-free Howe Sound!”…

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    Good news! BC cancels its biggest fossil fuel subsidy

    Last week the BC Government announced that it was cancelling BC's biggest fossil fuel subsidy: the Deep Well Royalty Credit. This handout to fracking companies has cost British Columbians billions in lost royalties. Billions that could have been used to fund better healthcare and better schools.

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    Woodfibre LNG's desperate gamble

    Woodfibre LNG has made another fake "final investment decision." In March, Woodfibre LNG announced a budget of CAD $625 million to the District of Squamish, with $25 million designated for preconstruction and site cleanup in Squamish, and the rest for engineering, procurement…

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    Calling all Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound youth!

    Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound Art Challenge … Calling all students! To celebrate World Oceans Day, students from K–12 are invited to submit artwork with the theme, Revitalization: collective action for the ocean. The ocean connects, sustains, and supports us all.

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    Open letter: Why BC's LNG is not ethical

    To: Members of the Legislative Assembly … For the last eight years, I have been one of thousands of citizens standing in opposition to the proposed Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC pipeline projects near Squamish BC.

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    Happening today!

    Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC are presenting to the District of Squamish this Tuesday at 1pm (see agenda). Can you join us today to tell them we still say "No Fracking Way!" ***** … WHEN: 12:30pm to 1:00pm, Tuesday 22nd March, 2022 (today!) WHERE:

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    Our successes in 2021

    This is one of my favourite places in the world: the Stawamus River. Right now the coho are spawning, and there are salmon-coloured eggs buried in the river bed, American dippers hunting for them, and dead salmon frozen on the banks—if the eagles and bears haven't gotten to them first.

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    Woodfibre LNG fall update 2021

    It's a façade of slow progress... It took nearly a year for Woodfibre LNG to announce a new president, Christine Kennedy, previously the Deputy Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Competitiveness; and before that the Associate Deputy Minister in BC's Office of the Premier.

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    Help us end BC's biggest fossil fuel subsidy for good!

    Thanks to massive public pressure, the BC NDP have launched a Royalty Review to evaluate subsidies for fracking companies. This is a critical opportunity to end Deep Well Royalty Credits—one of BC's biggest fossil fuel subsidies.

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    The truth about Woodfibre LNG's advertising blitz

    Woodfibre LNG has recently been splashing out on full-page ads in local newspapers, plus targeted ads on social media. Every time I see these ads there is a little cheer inside my head because it means we're winning.

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    Woodfibre LNG Fall Update 2020

    If Woodfibre LNG goes ahead, there will be 70–100 LNG tankers transiting Howe Sound every year. Here's the latest update on Woodfibre LNG: Sukanto Tanoto's pulp and paper company, APRIL, is facing profit-shifting accusations to reduce its tax bill in Indonesia.

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    Have you ever swum with sea lions?

    Why hello there! A few years after I graduated school, I went backpacking in Ecuador where I made the voyage out to the Galapagos Islands. I was amazed at the abundance of wildlife, and as a young marine scientist I was in the water every chance I got.

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    Our plan to overturn Woodfibre LNG's five-year extension

    Our very first demonstration to #StopWoodfibreLNG in 2014. Photo: Desiree Wallace … I remember our very first demonstration to #StopWoodfibreLNG, in May 2014. Over a hundred of us lined up along the highway and cars honked in support as they drove by.

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    Breaking bad news

    CBC Vancouver reporter, Jon Hernandez, interviewing Tracey Saxby. It's been a roller coaster of emotions. On Saturday night I stayed up till 1am as I watched Jeremy Valeriote, the BC Green candidate for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky, leading in the polls.

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    Celebrating small successes

    District of Squamish council votes to ratify the motion not to support a five-year extension of the Environmental Assessment Certificate for Woodfibre LNG unless they can meet IPCC climate targets. Councillors Eric Andersen, John French, and Doug Race voted in opposition. WE DID IT!

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    Woodfibre LNG has delayed construction... again!

    Woodfibre LNG has delayed construction till summer 2021. But here's the kicker... they're using COVID-19 as an excuse to get a five-year extension on their Environmental Assessment (EA) Certificate. Woodfibre LNG has delayed construction till summer 2021. But here's the kicker...

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    Winter update on Woodfibre LNG + FortisBC

    A lot of the work for our #StopWoodfibreLNG campaign happens behind the scenes, writing letters to key decision makers and attending meetings. Here's the latest: ********* … BREAKING!

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    They're back! A critical moment to #StopWoodfibreLNG

    The proposed floating storage units at Woodfibre LNG, made of two 40-year old retrofitted LNG tankers that are already at the end of their lifespan. We just found out that Woodfibre LNG, FortisBC, and the BC Oil and Gas Commission are presenting to the District of Squamish this Tuesday!

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    Help us make Woodfibre LNG an election issue

    Last week I felt so inspired to be a part of history as over 7 million people took to the streets for the global climate strike. One thing is crystal clear: we need to do everything we can to stop new fossil fuel development like Woodfibre LNG if we want to solve our climate emergency.

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    Woodfibre LNG has lost its biggest customer!

    What a difference a week makes! Last Friday we were feeling a bit down in the dumps. Why? Because the Federal Government announced that they were exempting Woodfibre LNG from paying the 48% on imported steel tariffs. This is yet another subsidy for Woodfibre LNG worth half a billion dollars!

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    How we're stopping Woodfibre LNG

    Woodfibre LNG is NOT a done deal. Why? Because we are going to be there every step of the way. Here are some key updates on our campaign to #StopWoodfibreLNG: Woodfibre LNG is now a fracking company … Yup.

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    Feel-good Howe Sound updates on Earth Day

    Happy Earth Day! We thought we'd celebrate by sharing some incredible good news stories about Howe Sound. ***** … Eoin Finn and Tracey Saxby deliver the Howe Sound Declaration to MP Pamela Goldsmith-Jones.

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    URGENT! Stop reckless LNG tax breaks

    On Monday, the BC NDP sided with the BC Liberals to vote 80–3 to approve new fossil fuel subsidies to prop up LNG export projects like Woodfibre LNG and LNG Canada.

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    Will you take action to stop Woodfibre LNG?

    We've been paying close attention to Woodfibre LNG, and the rumours are concerning. Here's the scoop: according to one of our sources, Woodfibre LNG is planning to award it's construction contract by the end of March, and begin construction by the end of June.

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    Update on Woodfibre LNG

    Our campaign to stop Woodfibre LNG is kicking into high gear again. Here are the latest updates from the last few months: According to our sources, Woodfibre LNG is planning a major announcement in August. What? We don't know yet.

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