Pipeline construction starting in February 2023
November 26, 2022
Eoin Finn

When Russia invaded Ukraine, everything changed overnight.
Woodfibre LNG—which had essentially stalled—is now on a fast-track to construction, capitalizing on the gas crisis in Europe to beg for more government handouts and push through key permits.
We need to respond, and quickly. Our end-of-year goal is to raise $35,000. Can you chip in? Every donation will be matched by a wonderful local family.
Yes! Please double my one-time gift!We also hope to sign up 50 new monthly donors. Every monthly donation will be matched for an entire year.
Yes! Please double my monthly gift!Here are the latest updates...

Open house for FortisBC
FortisBC is hosting an open house in Squamish next week:
WHEN: 4pm to 6:30pm, Tuesday 29th November
WHERE: Executive Suites Hotel, 40900 Tantalus Rd, Squamish
This public comment period is a farce. The open house this week had 25+ FortisBC staff and only 6–7 members of the general public in the first hour.
It is unclear what FortisBC is gathering public comments on, and the documents that need public input, like the Traffic Management Plan, and the Community Services and Infrastructure Management Plan are well hidden on its site and you need to know that they are there (click "Additional Engagement Resources" and scroll down to "Fall 2022 Public Engagement Period" to see them.)
Please join me at the open house next week and let FortisBC staff know that its pipelines and mancamps are not welcome.

Pipeline construction will start in February 2023
FortisBC has not yet filed its permits for a temporary workcamp in Squamish, but that's not stopping it from planning to start construction in February 2023.
Instead, the company plans to embed workers in Squamish, which will increase rental costs, increase home prices, and create unregulated workcamps in local hotels.
Workers may be housed in Whistler or Vancouver
Due to strong community pushback on the proposed mancamp near Quest University in Squamish, FortisBC is looking at options to house workers in Whistler or Vancouver instead.
This doesn't solve any of the problems that are associated with mancamps. We've highlighted how violence follows resource extraction projects. The impacts of a mancamp for 650 workers located in Squamish have never been properly assessed, let alone the impacts to Whistler or Vancouver.
Last month, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation women and girls organized a candle-lit vigil on the Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, to share their concerns about the impacts of two proposed mancamps in Squamish.
FortisBC and Woodfibre LNG have failed to plan, and our communities will suffer as a result.

Woodfibre LNG is weakening environmental regulations for sea lions and seals
A second public comment period has been started by the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC), as Woodfibre LNG has requested changes to the conditions related to underwater noise.
The proposed changes will reduce the monitoring area for pinnipeds (sea lions and seals) from 7,322 metres to 125 metres. That’s a significant change, but IAAC is indicating its approval.
We are looking for experts that have an understanding of the impacts of underwater noise on marine wildlife. Please reply to this email if you can help, or know someone that can help.
SUBMIT A COMMENT HERE by 19th December 2022

The good news...
The latest report from the International Energy Agency stated that "the era of rapid global growth in natural gas draws to a close" due to concerns about energy security and climate change. Investing in new fossil fuel infrastructure is extremely risky.
Federal Environment Minister, Steven Guilbeaut, also called for a phasedown of unabated fossil fuels at COP27. This is a huge shift in narrative thanks to public pressure from people like you.
We will stop Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC
We are determined, and together we are powerful. Please consider chipping in with a one-time donation...
Yes! Please double my one-time gift!...or become a monthly supporter. Every donation will be matched.
Yes! Please double my monthly gift!More than 50% of our funding comes from people that live in the communities around Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.
We are so grateful for your support.
Eoin Finn
Co-Founder and Research Director
My Sea to Sky
My Sea to Sky is incredibly proud and grateful to say that we rely on the My Sea to Sky community for small donations that provide the majority of our funding. Since our launch in 2014, we have been funded through personal savings, family and friends; and powered by the passion of our volunteers. Your generous contribution will help us to run our critical campaigns to defend, protect, and restore Howe Sound. Can you chip in?