Squamish residents grill FortisBC
June 12, 2022
Tracey Saxby

Earlier this week, upset Squamish residents forced FortisBC to host a public Q&A session.
Typically FortisBC uses a format where their staff stand next to panels and engage one-on-one. This is an effective way to divide and conquer, and ensures that participants never hear what others in their community are concerned about.
Instead, Philippa Clark, a local resident who has been sharing concerns about the impacts of the proposed workcamp and construction yard, single-handedly forced FortisBC to switch to an open Q&A format where everyone could ask questions and hear the answers.
It was awesome. FortisBC was grilled.
This is the power of community, when everyday people like you stand up and speak up.
Residents shared concerns about traffic, environmental impacts, and violence against women. Residents also called for FortisBC to leave a legacy for the community, in the form of permanent affordable housing. Mayor and council attended to listen to residents concerns, and FortisBC has promised to respond in writing to all questions submitted by concerned residents.
With a big thank you to everyone that could come out!
Can you help inform our response to the Environmental Assessment amendment?
FortisBC has applied for an amendment to the BC Environmental Assessment Office (BC EAO), to allow them to increase the size of the workcamp from 2 to 7 hectares.
The BC EAO has chosen not to allow public comments, but will allow My Sea to Sky to submit comments. This is yet another symptom of a corrupt and broken process that will rubber stamp FortisBC's amendment application with little public oversight.
We have until 30th June to provide a comment. If you can help or can provide insight, please review FortisBC's amendment application and reply to this email.
Our plan to stop FortisBC's workcamp
FortisBC also needs to apply for a Temporary Use Permit, to allow them to locate the proposed workcamp within the District of Squamish. This is where we have power. We need to stop this permit.
We will be in touch soon with actions you can take.
Feeling all fired up,
Tracey Saxby
Executive Director, My Sea to Sky
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