• Caroline Routhier
Caroline Routhier

Hold FortisBC accountable.

601 signed. Let's get to 1000.

FortisBC has applied for two Temporary Use Permits from the District of Squamish to build a construction yard and a workcamp for up to 650 workers who will be building the Eagle Mountain Pipleine to Woodfibre LNG.

District of Squamish staff have told FortisBC that the proposed workcamp is not viable in this location due to current zoning and district policies, issues with permitting, access, services, policing, fire, and impacts to existing businesses and residents. But in the rush to construction, FortisBC is ignoring the community's concerns.

FortisBC is failing to ensure the safety and human rights of everyone that lives in the Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound region.

Why is this important?

Work camps for resource extraction projects can have significant and often unanticipated impacts on nearby communities. Studies during construction of similar industrial projects with large numbers of temporary workers show:

Example speaking points
