Tomorrow! Open house for Woodfibre LNG
October 11, 2022
Eoin Finn

Tomorrow evening, Woodfibre LNG is hosting an open house in Squamish. Come out and ask the tough questions to hold Woodfibre LNG accountable!
Woodfibre LNG open house in Squamish
WHEN: 6:30pm to 8:30pm, Wednesday 12th October, 2022
WHERE: Howe Sound Secondary School, 38430 Buckley Ave, Squamish

In case you missed it...
Woodfibre LNG "was covertly behind the website Squamish Forward."
An investigative reporter has uncovered that Woodfibre LNG paid to set up Squamish Forward.
Remember the petition by Squamish Forward to stop the District of Squamish from borrowing money to upgrade critical infrastructure and move the public works yard out of the floodplain?
That stunt has cost Squamish taxpayers half a million dollars.
Woodfibre LNG needs a sweetheart deal on taxes
In 2014, My Sea to Sky stopped a pro-LNG council from accepting a $2 million tax agreement with Woodfibre LNG. In 2015, taxes were assessed at $5–7 million.
We estimate that Woodfibre LNG should be paying between $10–20 million a year, as the project cost has tripled, and land values have gone up immensely.
We suspect this is why Woodfibre LNG tried to undermine trust in local government and influence the upcoming election: Woodfibre LNG needs a pro-LNG council that will give them a tax deal and all the permits they need.
Dirty developers and dirty industry are undermining our democracy. It's disgusting, it's reprehensible, and we cannot let them win with these underhanded tactics.

Will you vote for climate leaders?
This local election is critical, and who you elect will shape the future of Squamish for decades to come. Here's what you need to do:
Step 1: Get informed
Where do candidates stand on the issues we care about? Check out the candidates and the issues tabs.
Step 2: Vote!
Advanced voting has started, and general voting day is October 15th.
Voting tip!
When you vote, only vote for the candidates you want elected. If that is one mayor and three councillors, only put down those four names.
For council, the top six candidates with the most votes are elected, so if you vote for someone that you don't really want elected, that may bump your preferred candidates out of the top six.
Please vote!
Eoin Finn
Research Director, My Sea to Sky
My Sea to Sky is incredibly proud and grateful to say that we rely on the My Sea to Sky community for small donations that provide the majority of our funding. Since our launch in 2014, we have been funded through personal savings, family and friends; and powered by the passion of our volunteers. Your generous contribution will help us to run our critical campaigns to defend, protect, and restore Howe Sound. Can you chip in?