• #StopFortisBC


  • FortisBC proposes to build a 24-inch high pressure pipeline through Squamish neighbourhoods, with a 9-kilometer tunnel underneath Squamish Estuary and through a mountain to supply Woodfibre LNG with fracked gas.

    FortisBC has also proposed a 7 hectare workcamp – equivalent to 17 football fields! – for 650 workers near Quest University. This will have significant impacts for Squamish residents and other communities around Howe Sound.

    A compressor station to move the gas along the pipeline will be located at the Woodfibre site.

    Join more than 22,000 people that have signed a petition calling to stop Woodfibre LNG and the FortisBC pipeline.


    Here's what you need to know:

    Social impacts of work camps

    Workcamp for 400 workers near Merritt B.C. for Trans Mountain pipeline construction.

    "Camp culture breeds a hypermasculinity that is fuelled by isolation, drug and alcohol abuse, violence, misogyny, and racism." -Justice for Girls

    FortisBC has applied to the District of Squamish for Temporary Use Permits to build a construction laydown yard and a 7-hectare workcamp near Quest University, both of which would be accessed via the Mamquam Forest Service Road.

    Studies during construction of similar industrial projects with large numbers of temporary construction workers have shown:

    • increased demands on hospitals, counseling, police, and ambulance services, which results in reduced service capacity for residents.
    • increased rate of violent crime, including sexual assault and sexualized violence, and increased domestic violence.
    • increased violence against Indigenous women, children, and 2SLGBTQ+ people.
    • increased home prices, rental costs (e.g., bidding wars of $1500-2,000 for a bedroom were reported in Valemount near TMX’s workcamp), and housing availability
    • increased number of workplace accidents.
    • increased substance abuse and misuse.
    • increased traffic accidents and collisions.
    • Increased rates of prostitution and sex trafficking
    • increased risk of COVID-19 outbreaks and sexually transmitted diseases.
    • waste disposal issues.

    Right now, we have a critical opportunity to stop this workcamp! The District of Squamish is highly critical of both FortisBC proposals, and, with your support, can deny these permits. Please take a minute to send a letter to the District of Squamish mayor and council, asking them to reject the Temporary Use Permits for FortisBC’s workcamp and laydown yard.


    FortisBC wants to drill under the Squamish Estuary, a Wildlife Management Area.

    Estuaries are some of the most productive ecosystems in the world. A 2021 study found the Squamish Estuary provides $12.6 million every year in ecosystem goods and services, such as water filtration and flood mitigation.

    FortisBC proposes to drill a 14 foot wide, 9-kilometre tunnel from the BC Rail Lands, underneath the Squamish Estuary and river. They will be using bentonite slurry, a substance that can pollute soil and surface water, to tunnel bore. Bentonite slurry can be deadly for fish due to increasing suspended sediments and levels of toxic heavy metals that can bioaccumulate.

    Tunnel boring could also result in permanent acid rock drainage and metal leaching, similar to the toxic pollution that poisoned the lands and waters around Britannia Beach for decades. If potential acid rock is encountered, FortisBC says it will be covered, then placed back inside the tunnel once pipes are installed and tunnel sealed. Acid rock drainage is what made Britannia Mine the largest single point source of metal contamination in North America.

    FortisBC has applied for a Waste Discharge Authorization permit to release up to 1,600 cubic metres of effluent into Howe Sound every day during project construction. That’s as much as 233 Olympic swimming pools!

    24-inch high pressure pipeline puts residents at risk

    The pipeline is currently proposed to run past Ravens Plateau, along Finch Drive, and through the Industrial Park in Squamish. These areas have many new homes and businesses, and many homeowners are completely unaware that a 24-inch high pressure pipeline is proposed through their neighbourhood.

    FortisBC has refused to release its risk analysis for the pipeline route, so we conducted a hazard assessment using ALOHA, which is a widely-used computer program designed to model fires and explosions for emergency responders and planners.

    The resulting maps show how families and businesses along the pipeline route in Squamish and Coquitlam are at risk from pressure waves (as a result of an explosion) and radiative effects (from a resulting fire).

    People that live or work along the pipeline route could suffer potentially lethal radiative effects (up to 330 metres), second degree burns (up to 460 metres), and pain (up to 715 metres). Pressure waves from a worst-case scenario accident could result in destruction of buildings (up to 360 metres), serious injury (up to 570 metres), and shatter glass (up to 1,275 metres).

    Homes that are located near high-pressure gas pipelines often have decreased property value, and several families have already sold their homes because they didn't want to live in the high hazard zone for FortisBC's proposed pipeline.

    There are safer alternative routes for this pipeline, so why is FortisBC recklessly putting people that live or work along the pipeline route at risk?

    What you can do:


    Amnesty International (2016) Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Gender, Indigenous Rights, and Energy Development in Northeast British Columbia, Canada.

    Kevin Maimann (2018) Link between rural work camps and violence against women is real, researchers say. The Star Edmonton, published 2018-12-04

    Northern Health (2018) Health and Safety During the Opioid Overdose Emergency:Northern Health’s Recommendations for Industrial Camps. Office of Health and Resource Development. Version 1.5. August 2018.

    Northern Health (2017) Communicable Disease Control Plan Best Management Guide for Industrial Camps. Office of Health and Resource Development. Version 2.2. July 2017.

    Secwepemcul'ecw Assembly (2019) What are man camps? Accessed 2019-04-20
    "“Camp culture” has been reported to exacerbate isolation, mental illness, drug and alcohol abuse, violence, misogyny, and racism among the men living there. Away from family, friends, and social supports, these men face stressful, difficult, and potentially dangerous working conditions, including long hours, shift work, and ‘two-week in, two-week out’ work schedules. In this environment, and with heightened disposable incomes, increased substance abuse is well documented."

    Clarice Eckford and Jillian Wagg (2014) The Peace Project: Gender Based Analysis of Violence against Women and Girls in Fort St. John. Prepared for the Fort St. John Women’s Resource Society.

    Joanna Smith (2016) Fort St. John 'a dangerous place for our women,’ indigenous activist says. The Star, published 2016-04-03

    Peter Rugh (2013) Inside Fracking's 'Man Camps', Where Sex, Drugs, and Gonorrhea Run Rampant. Motherboard, published 2013-10-18

  • Every vote counts

    This election is critical and every vote counts. Get informed. Vote. This election is going to be close and every vote counts. Check out the latest polls.

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    Know who (and what!) you're voting for

    Your vote has power. Make sure it counts. The BC election is October 19, and every vote counts. The next provincial government will be making critical decisions on fracking, LNG exports, and climate action that will have a direct impact on our collective future.

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    Urgent! Public hearing for FortisBC's workcamp

    Take Action! Tell council to reject FortisBC's workcamp. Urgent action needed! Public hearing for FortisBC's workcamp … The public hearing for FortisBC's workcamp is scheduled for this Wednesday, September 25 at 6pm at Brennan Park Recreation Centre in Squamish.

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    Sunshine, Thunder, and Rainbows

    Indigenous Land Defenders from across BC called to Cancel the Permits for Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC's fracked gas pipeline in Squamish. Photo: Rich Duncan … What a powerful day.

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    Climate Strike this Friday!

    Wildfires, heat waves, and floods are devastating our communities, driving up costs for groceries, utilities, insurance and other everyday expenses. Can you march with the youth this Friday to make urgent climate action a top priority in the upcoming provincial election?

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    This girl is on fire

    Rally this Saturday in Squamish! Help us build power to stop Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC for good. This is a critical moment. Can you join me tomorrow in Squamish to send a flaming message to our local, provincial, and federal leaders?

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    Get fired up!

    Rally this Saturday in Squamish! Have you RSVP'd yet? Our world is on fire. This year the world experienced the hottest day on record. Over 1,600 wildfires have burned a million hectares in BC. Families have lost their homes. Thousands were evacuated or were on evacuation alert.

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    Cancel the Permits!

    Save the date! Help us send a flaming message to the BC Government. Squamish! It's been a hot summer, and I've never been so grateful for the rain. We have some fun and fiery events coming up in September. Make sure you put these dates in your calendar.

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    How Big Oil & Gas are pulling the strings

    Big Oil & Gas are using dirty tactics to influence politicians, the media, and public opinion. A bombshell investigation by The Narwhal has revealed the dirty tactics Big Oil & Gas companies are using to covertly influence BC Government decisions on fracked gas and LNG exports.

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    FortisBC's toxic water pollution

    FortisBC is proposing to drill a 14-foot wide, 9-kilometre tunnel under the Squamish estuary, and discharge toxic construction effluent into the Squamish River and Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.

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    Trust is earned, not imposed

    Residents packed the public hearing in Squamish for Woodfibre LNG's proposed floating workcamp. Photo: Caroline Routhier … What a night! I am still buzzing after we packed the room on Tuesday evening in opposition to Woodfibre LNG's proposed floating workcamp.

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    Permission to Pollute...Again!

    Water pollution from Woodfibre LNG could result in cumulative, long-term toxic effects for wildlife and ecosystems in Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound. Photo:

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    Your impact in 2023

    Standing together in opposition to Woodfibre LNG. Photo: Siobhan Winters … 2023 has been a year of action for My Sea to Sky, but we could not do this work without the dedicated support of our amazing staff, volunteers, donors, partners, and each and every one of you.

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    Celebrating successes in 2023

    Our volunteers and supporters standing up to FortisBC. Photo: Caroline Routhier … As 2023 draws to a close, we're reflecting on the successes and milestones we achieved together this year.

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    Woodfibre LNG is NOT a done deal

    Construction has started on five supporting buildings at the Woodfibre site. Photo: Rich Duncan … It can be hard not to feel powerless as Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC begin construction, but I believe it's really important to hold onto hope.

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    Wow! $60K and counting!

    Thanks to your generous donations we've already raised $60,000 to support our legal actions! Photo: Fernando Lessa … Wow! We cannot believe how quickly donations are pouring in to support our legal actions to hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable (learn more).

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    Not one, but two legal challenges!

    Mini-demonstration in Squamish on October 17. Thank you to everyone that came out in the pouring rain to support council as they continue to hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable. In case you missed it:

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    We've lawyered up

    Can you chip in to support our two legal challenges? I am very excited to announce that we've put together a kick-ass legal team to overturn project approvals and hold the Federal and Provincial governments to account. We currently have two legal actions underway.

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    FortisBC has permission to pollute into Squamish River

    FortisBC is already laying pipe to discharge effluent into the Squamish River … FortisBC: permission to pollute … Last month we shared that FortisBC had applied to discharge wastewater at both ends of its 14-foot wide, 9-kilometer tunnel underneath the Squamish estuary.

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    Pollute pollute pollute

    Permission to pollute: Woodfibre LNG … Earlier this year, Woodfibre LNG applied for a permit from the B.C. Energy Regulator (BCER) to discharge millions of cubic metres of toxic construction effluent into Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.

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    Join us at the Vancouver Climate Strike this Friday

    More than 120,000 people marched at the 2019 Global Climate Strike in Vancouver. Photo: Chris Yakimov … The climate crisis is here. We’re in the middle of the worst wildfire season in history, and B.C. faces a historic drought. Enough is enough.

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    FortisBC's bullying tactics

    FortisBC has applied for two Temporary Use Permits (TUPs) from the District of Squamish to build a construction yard, and a workcamp for 650+ workers for the proposed pipeline to Woodfibre LNG.

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    Permission to pollute?

    Woodfibre LNG has applied for a permit from the B.C. Energy Regulator (BCER) to discharge millions of cubic metres of toxic construction effluent into Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.

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    The Federal emissions cap must include LNG

    Last week we met with MP Patrick Weiler to call on him to support a strong emissions cap that includes LNG. This is a critical piece of Federal legislation that could help stop Woodfibre LNG in its tracks. It was a beautiful day, with 20 people joining us from across the riding:

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    Join the May 25 Day of Action for a Bold Emissions Cap!

    With floods, heat waves, and wildfires hitting our communities, it’s clear we can’t afford to delay climate action. That's why we're joining LeadNow’s Day of Action for a bold emissions cap. Join us on Thursday, May 25, at your MP's office to call for a bold emissions cap that includes LNG!

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    This Thursday! FortisBC public info session

    My name is Katie Perkins, and I have been volunteering with My Sea to Sky since 2019. This year I am excited to take on the role of Youth Outreach Coordinator. This Thursday, FortisBC is hosting a public information meeting to answer questions related to the workcamp and the construction yard.

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    Strike One for Woodfibre LNG!

    Strike One! Non-compliance warning … After starting construction without notice, Woodfibre LNG has been issued a warning that the project is non-compliant with the Environmental Assessment Certificate notification and submission requirements, and twelve of its conditions.

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    Tell Woodfibre LNG + FortisBC we still say NO!

    Happy New Year! 2023 is going to be a big one, and it's more important than ever to stand together to hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable. Can you join us before work on Tuesday for a peaceful demonstration? WHEN: 8:30am to 9:00am, Tuesday 24th January … WHERE:

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    Our successes in 2022

    As the year draws to a close, let's take a moment to reflect on a year of action. My Sea to Sky is a small organization with a big heart. We have an outsized impact, and our success is due in no small part to you—our amazing community. Here are a few of our key successes in 2022...

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    Heart of Howe Sound: the Paddleboarders

    Paddleboarding on the waters of Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound has allowed me to have such an intimate perspective of this unique ecosystem. The paddleboard is the perfect tool to connect to the environment, and experience the breathtaking beauty and return of wildlife to the sound.

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    Heart of Howe Sound: the Swimmer

    I started swimming in Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound while training for my English Channel swim crossing in 2017, and I've absolutely fallen in love with the area. It's so close to Vancouver, yet these are some of the most desolate and wild places I’ve ever swam.

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    Heart of Howe Sound: the Climbers

    I have spent the past 30 years out in Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound, climbing the sea cliffs, paddling, and spending time with my family. Returning to Howe Sound time and time again has really helped to calm my soul and instill me with a great sense of peace.

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    Woodfibre LNG is evicting families in Squamish

    Woodfibre LNG is evicting families in Squamish … Woodfibre LNG is about to evict 30+ families from the Sirocco One building in downtown Squamish. We already have a housing crisis in Squamish, and Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC are about to make it worse.

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    Why we love Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound

    Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound is a place of inspiration and connection. A place where the people have proved what's possible by standing together to preserve the ongoing restoration of the land, the waters, and the wildlife here.

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    Pipeline construction starting in February 2023

    When Russia invaded Ukraine, everything changed overnight. Woodfibre LNG—which had essentially stalled—is now on a fast-track to construction, capitalizing on the gas crisis in Europe to beg for more government handouts and push through key permits. We need to respond, and quickly.

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    F is for fires, floods, and fossil fuels

    Take action! Help us to recruit more signatories … In September 2021, a diverse coalition of 200 organizations and businesses published an open letter calling on the BC government to commit to ten urgent climate actions to confront the climate emergency.

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    Tomorrow! Open house for Woodfibre LNG

    Tomorrow evening, Woodfibre LNG is hosting an open house in Squamish. Come out and ask the tough questions to hold Woodfibre LNG accountable! Woodfibre LNG open house in Squamish … WHEN: 6:30pm to 8:30pm, Wednesday 12th October, 2022 … WHERE:

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    No More Stolen Sisters

    Tomorrow is the National Day of Action for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation women and girls invite you to join us for a candle-lit vigil to remember and honour the victims, survivors, and families of this ongoing genocide. No More Stolen Sisters … WHEN:

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    Two events to support Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation members

    National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Commemoration honouring our children and survivors … The Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nation would like to invite everyone to gather as a community to honour, remember, and pay respect to the Survivors of Residential School & those who never made it home.

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    This Thursday! Fracking the Peace + expert panel on Woodfibre LNG

    This Thursday in Squamish, join us for a FREE community screening of Fracking the Peace, a powerful new documentary telling the story of community members living on Treaty 8 territory in Northeastern B.C. whose daily lives, homes, environment, and health have been changed by fracking in the region.

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    Squamish residents grill FortisBC

    Earlier this week, upset Squamish residents forced FortisBC to host a public Q&A session. Typically FortisBC uses a format where their staff stand next to panels and engage one-on-one.

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    Woodfibre LNG's desperate gamble

    Woodfibre LNG has made another fake "final investment decision." In March, Woodfibre LNG announced a budget of CAD $625 million to the District of Squamish, with $25 million designated for preconstruction and site cleanup in Squamish, and the rest for engineering, procurement…

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    Open letter: Why BC's LNG is not ethical

    To: Members of the Legislative Assembly … For the last eight years, I have been one of thousands of citizens standing in opposition to the proposed Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC pipeline projects near Squamish BC.

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    Do you want a 24-inch pipeline in your backyard?

    FortisBC pipeline and compressor station amendment … FortisBC has applied for an amendment to its Environmental Assessment Certificate, and the public comment period started last week (deadline = 23rd December).

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    FortisBC's pipeline puts residents at risk

    I'm sure you saw the ads. Wait, what? You didn't? Huh... that's weird. Earlier this month FortisBC hosted two virtual information sessions to provide updates on their preferred route for the Eagle Mountain to Woodfibre pipeline, and relocation of the compressor station to the Woodfibre site.

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    Winter update on Woodfibre LNG + FortisBC

    A lot of the work for our #StopWoodfibreLNG campaign happens behind the scenes, writing letters to key decision makers and attending meetings. Here's the latest: ********* … BREAKING!

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