Squamish residents grill FortisBC

Earlier this week, upset Squamish residents forced FortisBC to host a public Q&A session. Typically FortisBC uses a format where their staff stand next to panels and engage one-on-one.

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Bowen Islanders still say no to Woodfibre LNG

Bowen Islanders say "No Woodfibre LNG" Dozens of Bowen Island residents held an impromptu demonstration last week, chanting “No Woodfibre LNG!” with a banner calling to “Stand up for an LNG-free Howe Sound!”…

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Good news! BC cancels its biggest fossil fuel subsidy

Last week the BC Government announced that it was cancelling BC's biggest fossil fuel subsidy: the Deep Well Royalty Credit. This handout to fracking companies has cost British Columbians billions in lost royalties. Billions that could have been used to fund better healthcare and better schools.

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Woodfibre LNG's desperate gamble

Woodfibre LNG has made another fake "final investment decision." In March, Woodfibre LNG announced a budget of CAD $625 million to the District of Squamish, with $25 million designated for preconstruction and site cleanup in Squamish, and the rest for engineering, procurement…

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Calling all Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound youth!

Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound Art Challenge … Calling all students! To celebrate World Oceans Day, students from K–12 are invited to submit artwork with the theme, Revitalization: collective action for the ocean. The ocean connects, sustains, and supports us all.

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Open letter: Why BC's LNG is not ethical

To: Members of the Legislative Assembly … For the last eight years, I have been one of thousands of citizens standing in opposition to the proposed Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC pipeline projects near Squamish BC.

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