This Thursday! FortisBC public info session

My name is Katie Perkins, and I have been volunteering with My Sea to Sky since 2019. This year I am excited to take on the role of Youth Outreach Coordinator. This Thursday, FortisBC is hosting a public information meeting to answer questions related to the workcamp and the construction yard.

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Strike One for Woodfibre LNG!

Strike One! Non-compliance warning … After starting construction without notice, Woodfibre LNG has been issued a warning that the project is non-compliant with the Environmental Assessment Certificate notification and submission requirements, and twelve of its conditions.

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Save the date! Help stop Woodfibre LNG for good.

Help us stop Woodfibre LNG for good. Join us for a fun photo action on Thursday February 9th. Photo: Jess Findlay … We have a critical opportunity to stop Woodfibre LNG for good … This Thursday, Minister Guilbeault will be at IMPAC5, a global forum to protect the ocean.

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Tell Woodfibre LNG + FortisBC we still say NO!

Happy New Year! 2023 is going to be a big one, and it's more important than ever to stand together to hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable. Can you join us before work on Tuesday for a peaceful demonstration? WHEN: 8:30am to 9:00am, Tuesday 24th January … WHERE:

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Our successes in 2022

As the year draws to a close, let's take a moment to reflect on a year of action. My Sea to Sky is a small organization with a big heart. We have an outsized impact, and our success is due in no small part to you—our amazing community. Here are a few of our key successes in 2022...

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