Four ways to take action to #ProtectHoweSound

Happy New Year! Here are four ways you can take action to help us #ProtectHoweSound in 2018. Help us get a meeting with Minister Heyman: ask your friends & family to sign our Burnco letter … Thank you for sending a letter about Burnco!

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Who are our Howe Sound heroes? You are.

Howe Sound is full of everyday heroes, just like you and me. People that are willing to speak up and work together to protect Howe Sound. This is a critical time for Howe Sound, as this fragile and recovering ecosystem is threatened. Howe Sound is full of everyday heroes, just like you and me.

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All I want for Christmas...

The first time I saw Howe Sound, my partner and I were fresh out of university and Squamish was our first stop on a three-month climbing trip around North America. As we drove from Vancouver along the Sea to Sky Highway in an old Dodge Caravan, we saw...

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Join me in Protecting Howe Sound ~ our jewel !

Do you remember Joni Mitchell's song? Don't it always seem to go … That you don't know what you've got t ill it's gone … They paved paradise a nd put up a parking lot … That is not the case for Howe Sound: we know exactly what we have to lose because we lost it once before.

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Why I'm hopping mad

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has turned down the Burnco gravel mine twice before. Yet the BC EAO is recommending that the Ministers rubber stamp the project, even though the salmon data being used to assess the project for McNab Creek comes from consultants hired by Burnco.

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TAKE ACTION! Send a letter to the Ministers to help stop Burnco

Our endangered Southern Resident Orcas are starving because there are not enough wild salmon for them to eat. Estuaries provide critical spawning habitat for wild salmon, yet the proposed BURNCO gravel mine threatens one of only three estuaries we have in Howe Sound.

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How we plan to stop Woodfibre LNG... for good.

Woodfibre LNG has been awfully quiet lately. What exactly have they been up to? And what are we doing to stop them? Here's the update: What has Woodfibre LNG been up to? Most of the Squamish-based staff at Woodfibre LNG have either quit or been fired. The downtown office is closed most of the time.

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Burnco is back... for two public comment periods

Burnco Rock Products wants to build a large scale open pit gravel mine in the McNab Creek watershed in Howe Sound, despite widespread opposition. This highly destructive project threatens McNab Creek, which is one of only three salmon-bearing estuaries in Howe Sound.

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Protect Howe Sound Flotilla - August 26th

My Sea to Sky is very proud to be partnering with Patagonia, Howe Sound Biosphere Initiative, and Backbone Campaign to kickstart the launch of our Protect Howe Sound campaign with a flotilla at the Stawamus Waterfront.

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