Howe Sound under siege

Howe Sound is Canada’s southernmost fjord. It is a natural beauty which should be declared a world-class heritage site. Common Sense Canadian co-founder, Rafe Mair on why Woodfibre LNG has no place in Howe Sound.

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Accidents happen. Is Woodfibre LNG worth the risk?

The environmental tragedies of the last two weeks have made one thing clear: accidents happen. On Wednesday 8th April, ~2,800 litres of toxic bunker fuel was spilled in English Bay, and the black tar-like sludge has been washing up on Vancouver's beaches.

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Celebrating Unity on Earth Day

Something amazing is happening around Howe Sound. People meeting new people. Smiles. Information sharing. Momentum building. It's inspiring. In the face of adversity, people come together. It's pretty clear folks from all walks of life are opposed to the proposed Woodfibre LNG plant.

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Squamish LNG plant cooling system threatens herring

Squamish LNG plant cooling system threatens herring, if approved, while the 1991 Federal Guidelines on cooling water intakes is out-dated. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) guidelines recommend industrial marine water intake pipes be located at least 2 km from documented herring spawn areas.

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Opposition to Woodfibre LNG heats up in Squamish

Opposition to the proposed Woodfibre LNG plant is escalating in Squamish and Howe Sound, where a protest — not the first — involving hundreds of opponents marched through downtown Squamish Sunday venting their rage at the plan.

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What is next? Woodfibre LNG in Howe Sound

Now the window of opportunity to provide comment to the BC Environmental Assessment office (BC EAO) about the Woodfibre LNG project is closed. What happens next and what can people do? 1,700 or more comments were submitted, including those from Future of Howe Sound – Woodfibre LNG Comments.

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