Woodfibre LNG: Whose side will Trudeau take?

Will the Prime Minister side with our community? Or will the government ignore that lack of permission and give a permit to another reckless foreign resource company? For most of my neighbours, it’s a no-brainer.

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LAST CHANCE! Submit your comments on Woodfibre LNG now!

This is your last chance to submit your comments to the Federal Government and say NO to Woodfibre LNG as part of the latest public comment period organized by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA). We've made this quick and simple for you.

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It's time to take ACTION!

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) has completed an analysis of the upstream greenhouse gas emissions for Woodfibre LNG. Now we have three weeks to tell our new Federal Government that the Woodfibre LNG project is unacceptable. Woodfibre LNG is NOT a done deal.

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LNG is NOT the cleanest fossil fuel on the planet

Written by Eoin Finn, B.Sc., Ph.D., MBA … Only if you had been banished from BC would you have missed the claim by the BC Government, repeated over and over in the past three years, that Liquefied Natural Gas is “the cleanest fossil fuel on the planet”.

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OP Ed: Woodfibre LNG Ownership

Is this the kind of corporate neighbor we want to have? Would you attend a discount jewelry party in your neighborhood? Everything at 25% original value or less? There are such parties and I would advise you to stay as far away as possible - you don't have to be a brain surgeon to understand why.

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