4.6 Magnitude earthquake in Northern B.C. caused by fracking

British Columbia's energy regulator has confirmed that a 4.6 magnitude earthquake in northeast B.C. earlier this year was caused by a nearby fracking operation. "This seismic event was caused by hydraulic fracturing," said Ken Paulson, CEO of the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission.

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UVic Lawyer on Woodfibre LNG

Environmental lawyer's take on the Federal Government's response to Woodfibre LNG … by Mark Haddock of UVic Law … A concerned citizen on Bowen Island Ross McDonald, asked lawyer Mark Haddock to look into the Woodfibre LNG environmental assessment that now rests with the Federal government.

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Vote vote vote!

The most important thing you can do this election is vote. Make sure you get everyone you know to vote too. There is too much at stake not to. You can vote any day leading up to the election … You can even vote right now! Head to the polls early to make sure that you're registered to vote.

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Turning off the fracked gas

My partner and I bought our home in Squamish in September 2006. It was a fixer-upper, and one of the first things we wanted to do was replace the old oil furnace. Winter was coming, and we needed to make a quick decision.

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