Double your impact

My Sea to Sky supporters call to stop Woodfibre LNG at a recent council meeting in Squamish. Photo:

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Fracking and LNG is undermining climate action

Speakers from left to right: Audrey Siegel, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, Seth Klein, Peter McCartney, Sven Biggs, Tracey Saxby, Janelle Lapointe, Mike Bomford, Ashley Zarbatany, Bishop John Stephens, Dr. Melissa Lem. Not pictured: Eric Doherty. Photo: Allison Murray.

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Monitoring FortisBC construction

FortisBC's subcontractors meeting at 7:04 am on November 2, 2023, on the Mamquam Forest Service Road in Squamish. Photo shared by a concerned citizen. Here are a few key updates on FortisBC and Woodfibre LNG:

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Squamish votes 5-2 to Sue Big Oil

Thank you to everyone that came out to encourage council to sign on to Sue Big Oil! Photo: Tracey Saxby … We have some exciting news to share with you! They said yes!

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Not one, but two legal challenges!

Mini-demonstration in Squamish on October 17. Thank you to everyone that came out in the pouring rain to support council as they continue to hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable. In case you missed it:

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We've lawyered up

Can you chip in to support our two legal challenges? I am very excited to announce that we've put together a kick-ass legal team to overturn project approvals and hold the Federal and Provincial governments to account. We currently have two legal actions underway.

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FortisBC has permission to pollute into Squamish River

FortisBC is already laying pipe to discharge effluent into the Squamish River … FortisBC: permission to pollute … Last month we shared that FortisBC had applied to discharge wastewater at both ends of its 14-foot wide, 9-kilometer tunnel underneath the Squamish estuary.

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Woodfibre LNG open house in Squamish this Thursday

Current design of the proposed Woodfibre LNG export facility. Woodfibre LNG is hosting an open house in Squamish this Thursday, October 5, from 4pm to 7pm. Woodfibre LNG continues to treat public engagement as a checkbox exercise, with little advance notice of events.

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What's your role in Truth and Reconciliation?

Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw elders lead hundreds of people in a march to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Squamish in 2022. When I was a little girl growing up in the 1990’s, I never went to sleep in fear.

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Pollute pollute pollute

Permission to pollute: Woodfibre LNG … Earlier this year, Woodfibre LNG applied for a permit from the B.C. Energy Regulator (BCER) to discharge millions of cubic metres of toxic construction effluent into Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.

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