Protect the precious forested wetlands in Crumpit Woods as a legacy for future generations.

1483 signed. Let's get to 2000.

About this petition

North Crumpit is a new development proposal by Diamond Head Land Company to develop up to 255 acres (103 hectares) in Crumpit Woods, located north of the Valleycliffe Neighbourhood in Squamish. This is private land, and has been owned by the Fast family for over 20 years. We also want to acknowledge that this land has been cared for by Squamish Nation for time immemorial.

We are concerned citizens with a shared vision to preserve North Crumpit for current and future generations.

This petition is intended to gauge community support for preserving Crumpit Woods.

We are exploring two possible pathways to protect this land:

OPTION A: We crowdfund, apply for grants, and purchase this land from the current land owners and establish a legacy that can never be developed. This will have to be done in consultation and possible partnership with the District of Squamish, Squamish Nation, and other stakeholders.

OPTION B: The land owner develops a small portion of the land in less sensitive habitat and we advocate for the rest to be preserved as a legacy for the community.


Why it is important to protect Crumpit Woods