Fortis BC uses bully tactics to drill in Squamish estuary


SQUAMISH BC: FortisBC is using bully tactics to drill new test boreholes in the Squamish estuary and the Wildlife Management Area. Letters delivered to the District of Squamish council on Tuesday announced that FortisBC no longer needs to consult with council about test boreholes or apply for development permits, citing Section 121 of the Utilities Commission Act.

Tracey Saxby, co-founder of My Sea to Sky says, “This is not how a good corporate neighbour should behave. This is completely disrespectful of the community’s concerns. Squamish has already said no, our estuary is sacrosanct! It is shameful that a public utility can do whatever it wants and disregard Municipal government, and the values of our community.”

Chris Pettingill, Former Chair of the Chamber of Commerce says, “FortisBC is trying to take away the decision making power of our community. It’s showing that a utility can do whatever it wants, and disregard what our community wants.”

It is unclear whether this latest move also applies to the rezoning of the Mt Mulligan compressor station, right-of-ways, and all aspects of discretionary decision making by local government.

“This is a big issue, as it potentially means that FortisBC doesn’t have to apply to the SLRD to rezone the land for the proposed Mt Mulligan compressor station,” Saxby said. “We’re currently seeking legal advice.”



  • Fortis sent first letter dated Oct 7th to District of Squamish
  • DoS asked for clarification
  • Fortis sent second letter dated Oct 12th to District of Squamish
  • Letter was given to council on Oct 18th by staff.

Video of council meeting
Select “Regular Business Meeting – October 18, 2016
Items 17 & 18 – Council or Staff Announcements, Termination
Starting at 14:20 minutes

PDF of letters sent from FortisBC to DoS