Woodfibre LNG is NOT a done deal
December 19, 2023
Tracey Saxby

It can be hard not to feel powerless as Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC begin construction, but I believe it's really important to hold onto hope.
There are many similar fossil fuel projects that started construction only to be abandoned due to public pressure. This is why we need you to continue to stand with us and take action!
Here are the latest updates:
Racing against the clock
Woodfibre LNG needs to significantly begin construction before its Environmental Assessment certificate expires in 2025. After nearly eight years of delays the company is rushing to construction.
Woodfibre LNG likes to say it has all its permits, but that is simply not true. There are still several outstanding permits the company needs from various levels of government, and we are tracking all of them.
While the District of Squamish recently approved a development permit for Woodfibre LNG, this was only for five supporting buildings, not the facility as a whole. Unfortunately, council did not have the jurisdiction to say no to this development permit.
Construction on these five supporting buildings has started, and we are monitoring the site so we can continue to hold Woodfibre LNG accountable to the highest standards (watch the video by John Buchanan).
If you see something, or know something, please let us know! We need your eyes and ears on the ground.
Permission to pollute... even more!
The BC Energy Regulator has approved a second temporary permit allowing FortisBC to discharge effluent at the Woodfibre site. Like the permit at the BC Rail site, the regulator has sidestepped public scrutiny again to enable construction timelines for FortisBC's high-pressure pipeline and tunnel under the Squamish estuary. This is truly disgraceful from a captured regulator that continues to undermine public trust.
We will be filing a second Notice of Appeal via the Environmental Appeal Board to challenge this "temporary" permit as well.
Take Action: send a letter to the regulator
The official public comment period is underway to review FortisBC's application for two permits to discharge wastewater into the Squamish River and Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound.
Anyone using the Squamish River, the estuary, or Howe Sound for recreation, fishing, or harvesting traditional foods could be negatively affected by the approval of these permits.
We need you to send a personalized letter to the BC Energy Regulator and share how you use these areas, so we can show how many people are directly impacted.
DEADLINE: 30th December 2023
Avoiding public oversight
In mid-November, the Provincial and Squamish Nation governments approved Woodfibre LNG's proposed floatel to house 600+ workers after lengthy delays due to concerns about the social and human rights impacts of this work camp in Squamish.
This was meant to then trigger a public engagement process to amend Woodfibre LNG's federal decision statement. But in a surprise move in late November, the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada released an analysis stating that the floatel doesn't need an amendment after all, side-stepping a public engagement process that we've been preparing for since 2020.
This is likely due to the recent supreme court decision that ruled that amendments to projects under the 2019 Impact Assessment Act were unconstitutional—so the Agency has bent over backwards to enable the floatel to proceed without an amendment, ignoring its duty of care to properly assess the environmental and social impacts of the proposed floatel.
This is yet another betrayal of public trust.
Floatel is en route
Woodfibre LNG is using a former cruise ship for its floatel to house 600+ workers, which is now en route from Europe near the Panama Canal.
While housing the workers at the Woodfibre LNG site alleviates some of the social impacts on nearby communities, Woodfibre LNG is still failing to address the human rights impacts of this work camp, particularly for women and girls.
It will be critical to hold Woodfibre LNG accountable when it applies for its Temporary Use Permit from the District of Squamish. Stay tuned for actions related to that in 2024.
$80K and counting!
Our legal actions are well underway, and we are in awe of how quickly our community has stepped up in support. With immense gratitude to everyone that has contributed so far—your generosity has helped us to raise $80,000 in less than two months.
Another amazing local donor has offered to match the next $20,000 in donations, writing: "We all have to win this great battle you have taken on to stop fracking and pipelines to address the climate crisis."
Can you chip in to help pay for legal fees, expert peer review, access to information, and dedicated staff time to support these two legal actions?
Help us reach $100,000 and we will get another $20,000 in matching donations.
It has been nearly ten years since we started My Sea to Sky together, and we're not giving up the fight. Please tell everyone you know that Woodfibre LNG is NOT a done deal.
We'll be in touch with more actions soon.
With hope and gratitude,
Tracey Saxby
Executive Director
My Sea to Sky