Trust is earned, not imposed
April 26, 2024
Tracey Saxby

What a night! I am still buzzing after we packed the room on Tuesday evening in opposition to Woodfibre LNG's proposed floating workcamp. With over 68 people signed up to speak, we were there till just before midnight.
I felt inspired as residents eloquently shared their concerns about the floatel with council, including:
Human rights impacts for women and girls. Worker safety and wellbeing. Traffic safety on Highway 99. The lack of plans for waste management. The divide and conquer tactics employed by Woodfibre LNG. No transparency or accountability mechanisms when things inevitably go wrong. No legacy benefits for the community... and more...
See the news coverage by CBC, Vancouver Sun, and the Squamish Chief
Read the submissions by My Sea to Sky and Justice for Girls
No legacy for the community
In 2014, the community told Woodfibre LNG that there is no housing available for its workers in Squamish. Woodfibre LNG ignored our concerns, saying “don’t worry, we’ll hire local.”
The community asked Woodfibre LNG to build permanent housing that could become a legacy benefit for the community. But this was always a risky boom or bust project and Woodfibre LNG didn’t want to invest when the project was so uncertain.
Instead, Woodfibre LNG has invested in a cheap and temporary solution that fails to leave a legacy for the community. They’ve cut costs at our expense.
Woodfibre LNG has had ten years to make a safe plan to house its workers and has failed to do so.
Imagine if Woodfibre LNG had invested $100 million in affordable housing to help solve our housing crisis, and demonstrate its commitment as a good corporate citizen of Squamish?
Pressure tactics
Woodfibre LNG committed to this $100 million floatel as early as August 2023 … before it had received its Provincial or Federal approvals in November 2023. The floatel arrived in Vancouver in January 2024, and the company appears to be using its investment to pressure the District of Squamish to enable its unrealistic construction timelines.
That's a risk that Woodfibre LNG knowingly chose to take.
Despite Woodfibre LNG's stated commitment to implementing the Calls for Justice from the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, the tactics they are using to pressure the community and Council suggest otherwise. Their not-so-subtle warnings to the community that they will house their workers in local housing if the TUP is denied betrays their true intentions—a cheap solution to build profits over people.
The impacts of the floatel must be fully explored and understood before council can make a decision that is in the best interests of the community of Squamish, recognizing that this local decision will also have regional impacts.
What's next?
Council deferred making a decision until April 30, 2024. There's a few different ways we'd like this vote to go:
- Reject the Temporary Use Permit.
- Refer the Temporary Use Permit back to staff until the missing reports are provided, assessments are completed, and information is shared with the public to allow for meaningful public review.
- Approve the Temporary Use Permit with conditions that hold Woodfibre LNG accountable.
This is a difficult decision, but the District of Squamish is under no obligation to approve the Temporary Use Permit for Woodfibre LNG's floatel.
Provincial and Federal regulators have failed us. That puts a big burden on Mayor and Council to step up and hold Woodfibre LNG accountable.
Let's show council they have our support to reject the floatel!
WHEN: 5:30pm to 6pm, Tuesday April 30, 2024
WHERE: Squamish Municipal Hall
37955 2nd Ave, Squamish, BC
5:30pm | Gather for a mini-demonstration outside Squamish Municipal Hall
5:45pm | We will take photos and videos
6:00pm till late | Optional! Stay to attend the council meeting and hold a sign inside council chambers.
I cannot express how grateful I am to our volunteers, to everyone that sent a letter, and to our community for standing up and speaking up. The My Sea to Sky community never ceases to amaze me with your passion and dedication.
Thank you for standing with us for the last ten years.
Tracey Saxby
Executive Director, My Sea to Sky
My Sea to Sky is incredibly proud and grateful to say that we rely on the My Sea to Sky community for small donations that provide the majority of our funding. Since our launch in 2014, we have been funded through personal savings, family and friends; and powered by the passion of our volunteers. Your generous contribution will help us to run our critical campaigns to defend, protect, and restore Howe Sound. Can you chip in?