Take Action! Tell the Ministers to respect local jurisdiction

June 27, 2024
Eoin Finn

Woodfibre LNG's floating workcamp aka "floatel" motors through Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound on June 21, 2024. Photo: Eric Hagen.

Last Friday, Woodfibre LNG moved its "floatel" from Nanaimo to Squamish, ignoring local jurisdiction over the floating workcamp.

This is a bully tactic by Woodfibre LNG. It's clear how little the company cares for due process, the concerns of community members, or the safety of its workers.

This is not how you win friends.

Take action! Send a letter to the Ministers!

Minister Osborne promised not to interfere between the District of Squamish and Woodfibre LNG. But now the BC government appears to be overriding local jurisdiction on behalf of a foreign-owned fossil fuel export company.

This local jurisdiction and oversight is critical, because the District of Squamish is addressing key issues raised by the community that slipped through the cracks in the provincial and federal regulatory processes.

Please take a moment to write a letter or call the Ministers' offices. We need you to help us make some noise and tell the Ministers to respect local government jurisdiction.



Take action! Call the Ministers!

It only takes a minute to call the Ministers office and leave a message.

Say your name, why you're calling (e.g., I'm calling to ask you not to override the District of Squamish' jurisdiction on Woodfibre LNG's floating work camp.), and a number to call you back on.

Tell them that you are angry / upset / outraged but always be polite. If you are a BC NDP member, tell them that this is an important issue to you with a provincial election looming.

The Honourable Josie Osborne
Minister of Energy, Mines, and Low Carbon Innovation
Phone: 250 953-0900

The Honourable George Heyman
Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Phone: 250 387-1187


Strike #2 for Woodfibre LNG

Woodfibre LNG has been found to be non-compliant with its Environmental Assessment Certificate, for unlawfully housing hundreds of workers in Port Mellon and Squamish, contrary to the project’s amended Certificate.

The company is using the order from the Province to install the floatel without a permit, and withdrew its application to the District of Squamish on June 18, 2024.



Corruption within the regulator?

Earlier this year, our friends at Justice for Girls filed a complaint about Woodfibre LNG housing workers in Squamish. Following an investigation, the BC Environmental Assessment Office ruled that “The use of the Floatel is restricted until the [District of Squamish] permit is granted and plans satisfied.”

But now the regulator has contradicted its former ruling, and backtracked on statements that the Province would respect the District’s regulatory process.

So what changed? Woodfibre LNG didn’t get the permit it needed from the District of Squamish.



Seeking clarity

My Sea to Sky and Justice for Girls sent a letter to Minister Osborne and Minister Heyman to clarify the intention of the non-compliance order.

Is this intended to override the jurisdiction of the District of Squamish? Or is this a stop-work order for Woodfibre LNG until they go through the proper permitting process and approvals?

For now, the floatel is still located near Nanaimo. Even if it does move into Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound, Woodfibre LNG still requires several other permits from other regulators before it can become operational.

Woodfibre LNG must stop construction until it has resolved its local permit issues and responded to the concerns of Squamish residents.



The My Sea to Sky community has sent over 370 letters to the Ministers so far, which puts pressure on the Ministers to do the right thing.

It only takes a minute to take action.

Eoin Finn

Research Director, My Sea to Sky

My Sea to Sky is incredibly proud and grateful to say that we rely on the My Sea to Sky community for small donations that provide the majority of our funding. Since our launch in 2014, we have been funded through personal savings, family and friends; and powered by the passion of our volunteers. Your generous contribution will help us to run our critical campaigns to defend, protect, and restore Howe Sound. Can you chip in?