Opposition to Woodfibre LNG underreported

June 19, 2015

A lot of media coverage is underreporting opposition to the Squamish WoodfibreLNG project (WLNG) despite support for WLNG being incredibly weak.

I am writing this on my own behalf, but I served on Squamish’s LNG committee, and still serve as a director for Squamish’s knowledge-based industry association and the Squamish Chamber of Commerce (which I chaired for 2 years). I have spoken to ministers and labour leaders about the project and have attended countless meetings about LNG. My initial support has become opposition.

Whether it’s fracking; the costly impacts of climate change; misleading information about economics or the displacement of coal; nonsensical employment projections and a reliance on foreign labour; a lack of alignment with Squamish’s economic successes; a cooling system that threatens the recovery of Howe Sound; SIGTTO being misrepresented as a regulatory body; missing/underfunded regulation; or WLNG’s connection to the Mt. Polley mining disaster, tax evasion, and destruction of rainforests, there are many reasons people are concerned about LNG generally and the WLNG project specifically.

A Squamish Chamber survey found that despite strong support for more industry, the membership was split on WLNG. The overwhelming provincial and municipal engagement has been strongly opposed to the project. Squamish’s Mayor and most of its council are opposed to WLNG.

Neither BC nor Squamish can afford bad economic decisions arising from misinformation. That’s why it’s important for the rest of BC to understand Squamish’s opposition to WLNG.