How will FortisBC's workcamp impact Squamish and Howe Sound?
April 14, 2022
Tracey Saxby

This is ludicrous.
FortisBC is proposing a workcamp for 600 workers right in the middle of Squamish. The site is proposed up near Quest University and will be accessed via Mamquam Forest Service Road (near Valleycliffe).
Woodfibre LNG also forecasts 650 workers, which means there will potentially be up to 1,250 temporary workers living in Squamish during peak construction. The cumulative impacts of these two projects have never been properly assessed.
How will 1,250 temporary workers impact Squamish and other nearby communities? What will the impacts on social services be? Will there be increased traffic and traffic accidents on the Sea to Sky highway? Or greater pressure on our existing healthcare and recreation facilities?
Impacts of workcamps:
Studies during construction of similar industrial projects with large numbers of fly-in fly-out construction workers have resulted in:
- increased number of workplace accidents.
- increased substance abuse and misuse.
- increased traffic accidents and collisions.
- increased rate of violent crime, including sexual assault and sexualized violence, and increased domestic violence.
- increased violence against Indigenous women and children.
- increased rates of prostitution.
- increased demands on hospitals, counseling, police, and ambulance services, which results in reduced service capacity for residents.
- increased risk of COVID-19 outbreaks.
- waste disposal issues.
What you can do:
1. Attend an open house in Squamish or Coquitlam
WHEN: 5pm to 8pm, Wednesday 27th April, 2022
WHERE: Executive Suites Hotel & Resort, Squamish BC
WHEN: 5pm to 8pm, Tuesday 3rd May, 2022
WHERE: Westwood Plateau Golf & Country Club, Coquitlam BC
2. Attend a screening of "Fracking the Peace"
My Sea to Sky Youth Council are partnering with, Squamish Resiliency Network, and Quest Environmental Society to host "Fracking the Peace," a documentary featuring the people whose lives and environment have been changed by fracking in Northeastern B.C.
RSVP to attend the screening in Squamish on April 21st, or find a screening near you.
3. Sign and share the petition to stop Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC
More than 20,500 people have signed so far. It takes a minute to add your name.
The good news is, FortisBC must apply for an amendment to their Environmental Assessment Certificate to increase the size of the camp from 2 to 7 hectares. FortisBC will also need to apply to the District of Squamish for either a Temporary Use Permit or to rezone the land to allow for a workcamp.
We successfully stopped LandSea from sneakily building a workcamp for FortisBC and Woodfibre LNG in Britannia Beach in 2019. Squamish is not the right location for a workcamp either. We'll keep you updated about more actions soon.
With determination,
Tracey Saxby
Executive Director, My Sea to Sky
Follow me on Twitter
My Sea to Sky is incredibly proud and grateful to say that we rely on the My Sea to Sky community for small donations that provide the majority of our funding. Since our launch in 2014, we have been funded through personal savings, family and friends; and powered by the passion of our volunteers. Your generous contribution will help us to run our critical campaigns to defend, protect, and restore Howe Sound. Can you chip in?