Hey Squamish! Get informed and vote!
October 6, 2022
Tracey Saxby

Advance voting has started!
This local election is critical, and who we elect will shape the future of Squamish for decades to come. We met with candidates, and asked them to complete a questionnaire to identify their position on several upcoming industrial and development projects, and to commit to specific climate actions. Here's what you need to do:
Step 1: Get informed
Where do candidates stand on Woodfibre LNG, FortisBC's pipeline, and the two workcamps for 1,250 workers?
Will they commit to climate action?
Do they have the skills and knowledge to do the work?
Step 2: Vote!
Advanced voting has started, and general voting day is October 15th.
Why you need to vote:
You've probably heard candidates say that "Woodfibre LNG is a done deal." It's not. The next elected council in Squamish will have decision-making authority over several key permits / zoning related to the Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC pipeline projects, including:
- Temporary Use Permit for FortisBC's workcamp for up to 650 temporary workers.
- Temporary Use Permit for FortisBC's proposed laydown/storage yard.
- Temporary Use Permit for Woodfibre LNG's "floatel" for up to 600 temporary workers.
- Municipal tax agreement with Woodfibre LNG.
- Permission to use Darrell Bay parking to transport workers to and from the site.
A recent update to council outlines all of the upcoming decisions and what role the next council will play. Council can approve or deny any or all of these permits.
It is critical that we elect a council that will hold Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC accountable, and ensure that Woodfibre LNG pays their fair share in municipal taxes.
Voting tip!
When you vote, only vote for the candidates you want elected. If that is one mayor and three councillors, only put down those four names.
For council, the top six candidates with the most votes are elected, so if you vote for someone that you don't really want elected, that may bump your preferred candidates out of the top six.
Thank you for being part of a healthy democracy!
Tracey Saxby
Executive Director, My Sea to Sky
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