Help stop FortisBC's reckless LNG expansion in Vancouver
February 22, 2025
Eoin Finn

FortisBC is proposing to hugely expand its Tilbury LNG facility in Delta BC, building a new LNG liquefaction facility, ground flare, and storage tank near the ecologically sensitive Fraser River.
FortisBC claims that this new LNG storage is to "increase energy resilience" for British Columbians, but the truth is that FortisBC plans to export LNG to customers in Asia, with dangerous LNG carriers transiting the Fraser River.
Even worse... FortisBC wants its customers to pay for this new business venture!
Right now, we have a critical chance to stop Tilbury LNG. The BC Environmental Assessment Office is accepting public comments until March 3rd. Decision-makers need to hear from hundreds of us demanding real climate action—not more reckless LNG expansion.
The process is ridiculously complicated, so our friends at have put together a helpful video to explain how to submit your comment. You don't need to be an expert, you just need to be a concerned citizen.
Please take ten minutes to submit your comment now. You can download the application summary or access all 5,517+ pages (we lost count!) of the application and appendices here.
Need help with what to say?
Here are some key points you can include:
I am writing to ask you to stop FortisBC from expanding the Tilbury LNG facility. I am concerned that this project will:
❌ Increase methane emissions—a major driver of climate change.
❌ Threaten the Fraser River and estuary which is critical habitat for wildlife.
❌ Harm species at risk including endangered salmon and southern resident orcas.
❌ Worsen local air pollution through flaring which is harmful to human health.
❌ Endanger residents with a catastrophic accident if an LNG spill were to ignite.
❌ Make life more unaffordable as FortisBC wants to charge its customers for this expansion.
❌ Violate Indigenous rights, ignoring the concerns of affected Nations.
It’s time to decarbonize Canada’s economy and invest in healthy, climate-safe solutions instead.
Help us set up a future legal challenge
For eleven years My Sea to Sky has filed complaints with the BC Environmental Assessment Office to highlight how broken the process is. Nothing has changed. In fact, it's worse. Expecting the public to review over 5,517+ pages in seven weeks is ridiculous.
Building new fossil fuel infrastructure that threatens our climate, our health, our safety, our environment, and our communities is morally reprehensible.
We need your help to expose this rubberstamp process. If Tilbury LNG Phase 2 is approved by the BC Government, we want to set the stage for a future legal challenge.
When you make a submission, check the box for the "Climate change and greenhouse gas emissions" chapter and copy and paste the following text:
"I am concerned that the Tilbury Phase 2 LNG Expansion will violate my and other Canadian's Charter right to "life, liberty, and security of the person" as protected under s. 7 of the Charter, through increased climate impacts in Canada from upstream, local, and downstream emissions.
I demand that downstream emissions be considered because they will, even if burned elsewhere, add carbon to the atmosphere leading to increased climate impacts here in Canada, and impacting rights protected under the Charter."
Please take ten minutes to submit a comment now.
We are sick and tired of the BC government greenwashing fracking and LNG expansion. Why is BC following Trump's call to "Drill baby drill?"
We're going to fight FortisBC and the BC Government every step of the way.
Eoin Finn
Chair, My Sea to Sky

My Sea to Sky is incredibly proud and grateful to say that we rely on the My Sea to Sky community for small donations that provide the majority of our funding. Since our launch in 2014, we have been funded through personal savings, family and friends; and powered by the passion of our volunteers. Your generous contribution will help us to run our critical campaigns to defend, protect, and restore Átl’ḵa7tsem / Howe Sound. Can you chip in?