Get fired up!

September 11, 2024
Eoin Finn

Rally this Saturday in Squamish! Have you RSVP'd yet?

Our world is on fire.

This year the world experienced the hottest day on record. Over 1,600 wildfires have burned a million hectares in BC. Families have lost their homes. Thousands were evacuated or were on evacuation alert. The wildfire that burned a third of Jasper to the ground in July is only now under control.

Yet our governments keep approving permits for destructive new fossil fuel infrastructure that will lock in climate pollution for decades.

Enough is enough. Will you stand with me this weekend to send a flaming message to all levels of government? We're calling to cancel the permits for Woodfibre LNG and FortisBC's fracked gas pipeline, and end the subsidies and tax breaks.

With the provincial election approaching, now is the time to put our candidates in the hot seat. Woodfibre LNG isn't built yet. Don't let them build it. Cancel the permits.

The science could not be clearer that we cannot build new fossil fuel infrastructure if we want a livable planet for future generations. We must stop fossil fuel expansion.

Rally to Cancel the Permits

WHEN: 2pm to 4pm, Saturday September 14, 2024

WHERE: Junction Park / O'Siyam Pavilion
37950 Cleveland Ave, Squamish BC

WHAT: Wear fiery colours of red, orange, yellow, grey, or black to participate in a fun photo action as together we create a sea of fire.



An Evening with Land Defenders

Our friends at Rising Tide Squamish are hosting an Evening with Land Defenders from Wet’suwet’en, Gitxsan, and other First Nations, to share stories about resisting the Coastal GasLink pipeline and their current fight against the proposed Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline.

Come out to hear the lessons learned, what we can do to fight Woodfibre LNG / FortisBC, and how we can support people in northern BC who are protecting their land, water, and livelihoods.

WHEN: 6:30pm, Friday September 13, 2024

WHERE: Eagle Eye Theatre
38430 Buckley Ave, Squamish BC



We're never giving up the fight.

Eoin Finn
Chair, My Sea to Sky

P.S. Can't attend? Please help us to amplify this event by sharing it via social media (Website | Instagram | Facebook), or text or email your friends and family that live nearby. Our posters are being torn down so we need your help to get people out. Here's the shortlink to the website:


My Sea to Sky is incredibly proud and grateful to say that we rely on the My Sea to Sky community for small donations that provide the majority of our funding. Since our launch in 2014, we have been funded through personal savings, family and friends; and powered by the passion of our volunteers. Your generous contribution will help us to run our critical campaigns to defend, protect, and restore Howe Sound. Can you chip in?