Don't miss these! FortisBC's workcamp and North Crumpit info sessions
June 2, 2022
Tracey Saxby

Local residents are expressing alarm after learning that FortisBC wants to put a construction yard near their neighbourhood.
Residents are concerned about dust, noise pollution, light pollution, air pollution, traffic, waste disposal issues, and many other potential impacts.
The District of Squamish has also asked FortisBC to release the risk analysis for the proposed 24-inch high pressure pipeline that is currently routed through residential neighbourhoods. FortisBC has refused to provide this risk analysis despite repeated requests by the District for this information. What are they trying to hide?
The proposed pipeline, workcamp, and construction yard will have serious impacts for everyone that lives in Squamish and neighbouring communities (learn more).
Come out to the public information session in Squamish next week to hold FortisBC accountable.
FortisBC information session in Squamish
WHEN: 5pm to 7pm, Monday 6th June, 2022
WHERE: St'a7mes Elementary School Gymnasium
38030 Clarke Dr, Squamish BC

North Crumpit has developed possible Neighbourhood Plan concept options, and is hosting public information sessions next week via zoom and in person.
We do not believe that this land should be developed (learn why), and we are calling on the land owners to protect these precious forested wetlands as a legacy for future generations (sign the petition!).
Register to attend one of the info sessions below.
North Crumpit info session (via zoom)
WHEN: 12:00pm to 2:00pm, Wednesday 8th June, 2022
WHERE: online via zoom
North Crumpit info session (in person)
WHEN: 6:30pm to 8:30pm, Wednesday 8th June, 2022
WHERE: St'a7mes Elementary School, 38030 Clarke Dr, Squamish BC
Hope to see you there,
Tracey Saxby
Executive Director, My Sea to Sky
Follow me on Twitter
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