Prioritize people not projects


Tell council to prioritize people, not projects, and reject Woodfibre LNG's floating workcamp!


5:30 pm to 6:00 pm, Tuesday 4th June, 2024


District of Squamish Municipal Hall
37955 2nd Ave


  • Your friends, family, and neighbours.
  • We will have signs!

13 attending. Let's get to 25.

What is happening?

Woodfibre LNG has applied for a Temporary Use Permit (TUP) for a floating workcamp to house up to 650 workers. After denying the permit, council voted to reconsider its decision on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

Can you come out for a mini-demonstration to tell council to Prioritize People, Not Projects?

This is a critical moment in the fight to stop Woodfibre LNG. Can you join us?


5:30pm | Gather for a mini-demonstration outside Squamish Municipal Hall

5:45pm | We will take photos and videos

6:00pm till late | Optional! Stay to attend the council meeting and hold a sign inside council chambers. The TUP decision is near the end of the agenda, so it could be quite late.

What can council do now?

Council is reconsidering its decision on June 4, 2024. There's a few different ways we'd like this vote to go:

  1. Reject the Temporary Use Permit... again!
  2. Refer the Temporary Use Permit back to staff until the missing reports are provided, assessments are completed, and information is shared with the public to allow for meaningful public review.
  3. Approve the Temporary Use Permit with conditions that hold Woodfibre LNG accountable.

This is a difficult decision, but the District of Squamish is under no obligation to approve the Temporary Use Permit for Woodfibre LNG's floatel.

Provincial and Federal regulators have failed us. That puts a big burden on Mayor and Council to step up and hold Woodfibre LNG accountable.

Can't attend? Send a letter to council instead...