We sent all candidates five written questions and asked them to submit written responses to us by October 1st. To see this candidate’s full answers to the questions on these issues, visit: https://thescca.ca/current-campaigns/2022-civic-elections/.
I am a work from home dad, a husband, a father of two kids, and a business owner. In 2012 I started a
laser measuring and drafting company. We have four full time employees and I continue to help with
management. I was also a licensed residential Realtor for over a decade, focused primarily on the tri-
cities area, however I hung my license in January and am no longer active.
Although I was born in Vancouver, I had never been to the Coast until about 10 years ago when my wife
and I visited for the very first time. As many people do, we fell in love with the Coast and continued to
visit regularly. We eventually decided we wanted to raise our kids here and 3 years ago we were able to
make the move from Coquitlam to Selma Park where we plan to live for a long time.
As much as we both love the Coast, and in particular, Sechelt – as with any small and growing
community, there are many issues, both big and small, that need to be addressed to ensure the district
moves forward and becomes a place to live and work for all.
Although Sechelt has much to be proud of in the work done of recent, I believe the district needs to
move faster and smarter to keep up with demand, and I believe it can do this while still preserving the
character, charm, and environmental biodiversity of this area that we all love.
I believe we need to ensure Sechelt continues to be a desirable and attractive place to live and work. We
need to ensure our workforce and businesses stay here, we need to entice new targeted workforce and
industry, and we need to support innovative and advantageous development of all sectors.
This information was compiled and presented by: