John Henderson


  • Climate Caucus Supportive
  • Environmental Development Permit Areas Neutral
  • Sue Big Oil Opposed
  • Watershed management and supply Supportive
  • Flooding Supportive


We sent all candidates five written questions and asked them to submit written responses to us by October 1st. To see this candidate’s full answers to the questions on these issues, visit:


I am a Chartered Professional Accountant with 45 years experience in business and community service. Since moving to Sechelt in 2003, I have been:

  • Mayor (2011 to 2014)
  • Chair of the Sechelt & District Chamber of Commerce (2018 to 2022)
  • Co-Founder of Sunshine Coast Electric Vehicle Association
  • Chair of the Sunshine Coast Community Forest
  • Director of BC Ferries
  • Sunshine Coast Golf & Country Club –Clubhouse Construction Project Lead
  • Director of numerous other non-profits
  • A tireless advocate for the Sunshine Coast to other governments
  • A strong promoter of Sechelt as a great place to live and work

I am known as an innovator and early adopter of practical solutions - sustainability, solar, conservation, sea level rise and more.

As Mayor, I led the team that designed and built the Sechelt Water Resource Centre which we completed in two years! On time, on budget and the winner of 7 national awards. It received grants and low interest loans for over 85% of the project cost and can treat wastewater to amongst the highest standards in Canada. It uses about 60% of its capacity currently and it can be doubled in size, when needed.

Today, we find ourselves without water, with an overwhelmed highway, with ferries that break down, with staff shortages everywhere, no housing for people and increasing concerns for our safety.

Over the last 8 years, I have worked with experts and others in our community to identify practical SOLUTIONS to many of these pressing issues. What is needed now is RESULTS.

I had the honour of being your Mayor from 2011 to 2014 and I’m asking you to elect me again. I have a proven track record and the commitment to delivering, FOR SECHELT.

This information was compiled and presented by: